Hoogenraad becomes Van Loon

Since 2023, Hoogenraad has been working with van Van Loon, a reliable and independent service provider. We are very happy with this collaboration, which is why we are going one step further and have chosen to really board Van Loon from 13 January 2025 and will also bear this name. And we are proud of that!

Behind the scenes, we were already part of Van Loon, but from 13 January 2025, so will we be Van Loon for the outside world. From November, we will start making the name change in our (digital) systems, which is why we are already informing you about this. Not much changes for you. Nothing changes in your mortgage, the insurance or insurer where the insurance is located. However, from January next year, you may see the name Van Loon on the policies instead of Hoogenraad.

Our name will change soon, but of course we will remain a local player. After the name change, you can still walk into our location in Rijswijk if you have a question or contact your regular contact person about this. But because we are part of Van Loon, you can also walk into other Van Loon locations in The Hague, Leiden or Rotterdam. Our location and sponsorships will also receive a new, blue jacket with the name Van Loon soon.

Since 2023, we have already worked with the Van Loon Group with 13 branches. This allowed us to expand our services and brought in more experience and specialist knowledge to help you even better. That was necessary and we noticed that it works well. That is why we are very happy that we will also bear the same name as the other branches from February.

In the future, we will be able to offer an even more complete service in the field of mortgages, insurance, pensions and divorce mediation and we will offer expertise in the field of business financing. The name change allows us to work more efficiently. This way, we can make use of the same (digital) systems, one website and shared means of communication. This enables us to better respond to specific questions and needs. This makes our services even more complete and a lot faster, leaving us with more time for you.


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