Van Loon

buying a house

It is still exciting to buy a new home. Whether this is your first time or not. But don't let it scare you away. We will help you through this! Even with questions you didn't know you were going to ask. Then you will soon have a mortgage that you no longer have to worry about. That gives you peace of mind and enjoyment.

is your mortgage

Even if your mortgage is fixed for 10, 20 or 30 years, it's good to check it regularly. Because everyone deserves an appropriate mortgage at the lowest costs. Because the lower the monthly costs of your mortgage, the more money you have left for other (fun) things. And that makes everyone happy! So it's worth having your mortgage checked.

Voor je (klein)kinderen

Alle kinderen hebben dromen. Kleine en grote toekomstdromen. Wat gaan ze doen als ze groot zijn? Studeren, reizen of misschien een eigen bedrijf beginnen?

renovate or make it more sustainable

Planning a renovation or sustainability project, but not yet ready to finance it? We are happy to explain the options available to make that beautiful kitchen, heat pump or solar panels possible.You can finance this through your mortgage, a construction deposit or by using your surplus value. Plenty of options.

We can help you!

Vermogensopbouw & kredieten

Je hebt geld achter de hand en wilt vermogen opbouwen. Of heb je juist tijdelijk wat extra geld nodig?


Why choose Van Loon

Always independent!
Always tailored advice!
Always tailored to your needs!
Always with personal attention!

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