Van Loon

What about your retirement? Do you know how you are going to make up your retirement income? That requires good preparation. Every situation is different, there is no standard solution for everyone. Difficult? Not for us! Pensions are in our DNA. So we have a lot of knowledge and experience, which we are happy to share with you.

We also check whether you are eligible for a starting loan of up to €35,000 or whether your parents may be able to make a tax-free gift or interest-free loan. And did you know, for example, that the energy label of your new home depends on your maximum loan?

We take into account all conceivable factors and provide you with an accurate and maximum calculation of your mortgage, so you no longer have to do any research yourself.

Request your calculation now and we will contact you within 1 business day to make an appointment. This appointment can be by phone, online or on location. Whatever suits you best!

Van loon Geeft je het beste advies!

Hypotheek afsluiten in 2025

Ben je van plan om in 2025 een huis te kopen, je hypotheek over te sluiten of wil je de mogelijkheden weten als je overwaarde hebt op je koophuis? Het nieuwe jaar brengt diverse veranderingen met zich mee die je mogelijkheden kunnen beïnvloeden. Benieuwd wat deze veranderingen zijn?

Why choose Van Loon

Always independent!
Always tailored advice!
Always tailored to your needs!
Always with personal attention!
Lowest interest rate guarantee
Customer rating of 4.8 out of 5

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